Breeding and Showing Cochins: Making it to Champion Row




In Breeding and Showing Cochins: Making it to Champion Row, Jeff Duguay, Ph.D. teamed up with well-known and respected APA/ABA judges, Cochin breeders, and exhibitors Tom Roebuck, Matt Lhamon, and Michael Sayer. This is the first book in the series to include BOTH bantams and large fowl. The first 33 pages alone go into great detail explaining what the Cochin exhibitor needs to be looking for in their exhibition Cochins. There are a plethora of picture examples comparing Cochins with the traits you want with pictures of Cochins with less-than-desirable traits. Additionally, Cochin greats including ABA judge Keith Wagoner, Master Breeder of Black Cochins Matt McCammon, and the three author/judges of this book provide information on breeding Cochins that is sure to be worth its weight in gold to those wanting to being breeding Cochins or improve on what they have already been doing. If you’re a beginner in the world of exhibition poultry, the “Judges Perspective” section where licensed poultry judges give information on how they judge Cochins is going to be something that you will want to read time and time again. There is also information on how to prepare your Cochin for the show, washing, what to do once you arrive at the show, and much more!


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