
Welcome to Clucker Books!

I’m Jeff Duguay and I developed Clucker Books. I breed and show exhibition Modern Game Bantams. I’m an American Bantam Association (ABA) Master Breeder of Modern Game Bantams. That means I’ve had quite a few wins on Modern Game Bantams. You can find out more about this on the ABA website.

It can be difficult for the poultry exhibitor, especially the newby, to find helpful information on how to understand what judges look for when judging chickens. Since I love chickens and enjoy writing I decided to fill that need.

In the first three months of its release, my book Breeding and Showing Modern Game Bantams: Making it to Champion Row sold to individuals in 14 countries plus Puerto Rico! It quickly became apparent that there was a real need and desire by poultry enthusiasts for books on exhibition poultry.

I next partnered with licensed ABA poultry judge Peyton Igo to write the second in a series of exhibition poultry books Breeding and Showing Old English Game Bantams: Making it to Champion Row. This book was released in April 2022.

Currently I’m working with licensed ABA judge Marty McGuire and Master Exhibitor of Silkies Tony Davis on the third book in the Breeding and Showing…Making it to Champion Row series, Silkies. Whether you’re a Silkie exhibitor or just an admirer of that wonderful breed this is a book that YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE! Stay tuned for further details.

Why the need?

The American Poultry Association and American Bantam Association put out books (American Standard of Perfection; Bantam Standard) that judges go by when judging poultry. These books are the “Bible” for the poultry exhibitor. They cover everything that the exhibitor needs to know about the traits that their breed(s) of exhibition poultry should have. However, it can be difficult (some say downright) to grasp the concepts in these books without a picture reference. At Clucker Books we take the mystery out of the concepts in these books!

Everyone of the Breeding and Showing…Making it to Champion Row books contains:

· Lots and lots of pictures of chickens showing what the American Standard of Perfection and Bantam Standard trait descriptions mean

· Comparisons of birds that are strong and weak in the various traits

· Information on Breeding

· How to condition and prepare your birds for shows

· Housing

· Parasites and other ailments along with treatments

· And much more